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October 8, 2020
We at AeroDreams, are committed to provide the highest quality flight education, the outmost flight tour experiences, with our newest helicopter fleet, focused on safety and performance.
Everyone of our highly experienced pilots is an IAF pilot with thousands of flight hours under his belt.
We are proud to offer a multitude of services and will be happy to customise your dream.
We provide personal and flexible Helicopter Flight School programs, sight-seeing tours, special flights for events for both Business and Recreational, as well as Helicopter Rental, for certified helicopter pilots, and much more.
Dror Lavie
CEO and Chief Pilot
Dror is a highly experienced commercial pilot with over 9,000 flight hours.
Dror holds a license to fly a variety of helicopters such as Robinsons, Enstroms and Bells, as well as planes such as Boing 747 and light fixed wings airplanes. Dror is the CEO of AeroDreams as well as its chief pilot. He believes that Israel is one of the most beautiful and special places on earth and aspires to present it to others in the best way he knows – from the air.
Nir Yuster
Founder and Chairman
Nir’s passion for aviation started in his childhood, watching his father flying and fixing airplanes.
He started building gliders when he was ten years old and was later educated in the Israeli Aviation Club where he became an instructor in 1984. Today he is a certified helicopter pilot. Nir is the managing partner of Yuster&Co law firm and is affiliated with Harold Stock & Co, UK. He has more than 20 years of proven experience in Commercial Law, specializing in complexes transactions in Hi-Tech and International law, taxation and litigation, and holds an MBA degree from the Hebrew University and McCombs School of Business.
Benny Yuster
Technical Service Manager
Benny has more than 55 years of proven experience in the Aviation industry.
Starting in the early days of the Israeli Air Force, and later in the civilian aviation industry and in the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). Benny has the rate talent that combines the knowledge and ability to solve complex technical issues and keeping a high standard that is required in the world of aviation.
Ofer Ness
Flight Instructor
Ofer's piloting career has started more than 40 years ago, with now more than 9,500 flight hours under his belt.
He was a pilot in the IDF, flying more than eight different helicopter models, and commanded the IDF's helicopter flight school among his other roles. He is a commercial pilot and an experienced flight instructor. Ofer has an MBA degree from the Tel-Aviv University, and a MA in Political Science from Haifa University.